Villa CG Colchester CG uses the TACLog Contest Logging Software written by Bo, OZ2M (OZ1FDJ).

The software was chosen, in the first place, for the ease of its 'free-format' usage but has since become indispensable due to the additional features and functions that the program makes available:

Taclog is a 'DOS' program and will run on anything from a single floppy 8086 machine to present day Pentiumlll. It will run in a Window (or full screen) on Win95/98 and WindowsNT although certain ancilliary functions, such as the built-in Keyers, are non-functional under 'NT' due to the architecture of the O/S.

As with any software of this type it has its idiosyncrasies but 'Wizard' guided setup facilities are provided to cater for individual operational preferences, augmented by context-sensitive on-line Help available while logging the DX.

Overall, anyone with a headset and a reasonable keyboard aptitude can make their first contest usage a success. Once you have used it you will never go back to paper!

Try it, it's free!

Get YOUR copy of TACLOG here..

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